The Family Is Over


White picket pills 
and a family dinner by oneself, 
nothing comes close 
to sexual ties and ropes. 
Hidden secrets like 
secret passages 
taken by night. 
Avoid being caught. 
Suburban life 
coats the temperamental 
and sexually volatile. 
New car out front 
from selling back drug counts 
Trouble looms blind 
only over parents 
while kids are happily 
smoked up their personal 
Only grace is saved 
by their youngest 
who isn’t  lost
enough to miss this.  
This portrait is painted
in irony. 



I’ve commanded fleets
starboard above the
great seas.

I’ve seen the greatness
of the land and studied

I’ve held great position
in their company
as a stark newcomer.

I’ve pummeled native
monsters and been 
struck greatly by sickness.

I’ve tasted food, so fine
and drank greatly until
i could not longer.

I’ve been on my way,
here and there,
and lived my life the greater.

Femme Fatal


Caught in a bond of undeniably passion,
I blow her a kiss with my eyes from across the room.
She seems to hover over the ground quickly,
following me wherever I go.
I knew she was the type of girl that
would cause me to do things
undeniably sinister.
I imagine kissing her,
but I take a deep breath in meditation.
She quickly consumes me by
forcing conversation,
and I am trapped.
She might as well
place a gun in my hands.
I am bargaining with
a soul that only
parts in self interest.
Her flirting is like
playing chess with
the reaper,
I knew I couldn’t win
and she was a talent
beyond human skin.
Her eyes read tales of
murderous thoughts
and gruesome sexual behaviors.
I wasn’t myself when we locked eyes.
i was hers.
She asked me to go home,
so I went.
This was like following my fate
to a long corridor bleeding
with all the wrong things.
her body spoke to
me because she told it to.
I was lost.
She took the wheel.